Established in 2003, the Watershed Conservation Authority (WCA) is a local public entity of the State of California exercising joint powers of the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (RMC) and the Los Angeles County Flood Control District. The WCA is funded primarily by grants and receives limited funding from JPA Partner contributions and lease revenues for operational expenses.
The territory served by the Watershed Conservation Authority covers dynamic landscapes encompassing most of the San Gabriel Mountains down to the ocean across some of the most urban parts of the United States. This includes large, diverse populations in many distinct and culturally rich communities, in a region also recognized as an ecological hot spot for the diversity of wildlife and for the importance of conservation.
The scope of our work involves projects that conserve, preserve, improve, and restore landscapes for natural functions and passive recreation. This includes many different activities: trails for hikes, bikes, and horseback riding, access to nature, interpretation, spaces for wildlife, and spaces for people to gather or rest. Resource conservation is also central to our work: promoting wise water management, species diversity through healthy plant communities, and active multi-modal transportation for cleaner air and stronger connections throughout the places we live. We collaborate to plan, design, implement, maintain, and promote stewardship of land vital for both community and environmental wellbeing.