Community Projects

Empowering Residents to Improve Neighborhood Quality of Life

This is a story of how community members in Cudahy, South Gate, Bell, and Long Beach worked together to define how local green infrastructure could serve neighborhood priorities.

Amongst many successes, the communities built five projects, including two neighborhood spaces, a road mural for traffic calming, beautification of a commercial corner, and a stormwater demonstration project. 

These efforts were facilitated by graduate students and faculty from Cal Poly Pomona's 606 Studio and the Conservation Corps of Long Beach.  The local design-build projects were organized by—and utilized the skills of—participating community members, and resulted in community-centric neighborhood amenities, as well as more ambitious long-term plans.

cudahy ribboncutting results

cudahy ribboncutting results

communityparticipation section title2

communityparticipation section title2

606 theprocess

606 theprocess

The Process

The project team canvassed neighborhoods in the Gateway Cities and formed steering committees of local residents, who then led every phase of the design process including selection of project sites, project planning, and project construction.




Canvassing involved students going door-to-door in the neighborhood to engage in discussions and share information with community members. Canvassing was used to identify steering committee members and begin a dialogue with residents about their neighborhood’s public spaces.



cu committeedesign2

cu committeedesign2

cu committeeprogramming5

cu committeeprogramming5

cu communitymeeting2b

cu communitymeeting2b

cu susie talking3

cu susie talking3

Building a Steering Committee

Community members who sought leadership roles volunteered to be on steering committees. The steering committee members met with students regularly, led project efforts, organized community meetings, set agendas, and made final decisions.

cu communitymeeting brainstorm

cu communitymeeting brainstorm





cu charette13

cu charette13

Community Meetings

Students and steering committee members organized community meetings with neighborhood residents to discuss priorities, ideas, and design proposals. Community meeting activities included breakout group discussions, voting exercises such as “dotmocracy”, and small group charrettes.



cu committeesitewalk 160116 23

cu committeesitewalk 160116 23

bl sitewalk riverdr

bl sitewalk riverdr

bl vote all voteing04

bl vote all voteing04

cu committeesitewalk 160116 11

cu committeesitewalk 160116 11

Community Walks and Neighborhood Inventory

Community members walked their neighborhoods, engaging in mapping exercises to observe neighborhood conditions and identify issues and concerns related to choosing potential project sites.

cu committeesiteselection3

cu committeesiteselection3

01 img cms use stickers and markers to identify personally significant places

01 img cms use stickers and markers to identify personally significant places

03 img one cm presents cognitive mapping exercise

03 img one cm presents cognitive mapping exercise

Selecting Project Sites

The community identified several potential projects sites. Key sites were then selected and prioritized for immediate community build projects or long-term planning and design projects.



cu charrette27

cu charrette27



cu charette18

cu charette18

bl design workshop access

bl design workshop access

cu charette24

cu charette24



Design Workshops

The community used charrettes to identify priorities and develop design alternatives. The students and steering committee members conducted brief educational sessions to teach design principles to community members, preparing tetragrams and drawings.

The community then evaluated the design alternatives and selected one design for an immediate build project, and subsequent designs for longer-term implementation. For the build project, the community selected materials, colors, plants, and other significant details.

cu rightplanter daytwo7

cu rightplanter daytwo7

cu rightplanter dayone23

cu rightplanter dayone23

05 img final build days 3

05 img final build days 3

00 img jackson park final build project middle left

00 img jackson park final build project middle left

00 img jackson park final build project top left

00 img jackson park final build project top left

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160415 cu painting3

160422 cu neighbors screwing wood surface 5

160422 cu neighbors screwing wood surface 5

160514 cu construction 3

160514 cu construction 3

20160611 cu painting 22

20160611 cu painting 22

bell streetmural1

bell streetmural1

bell streetmural3

bell streetmural3

bell streetmural2

bell streetmural2

04 img meet the people of south wrigley right

04 img meet the people of south wrigley right

20160605 cu cutting removing

20160605 cu cutting removing

20160501 cu screwing seating back2

20160501 cu screwing seating back2

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cu builddaythree24

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cu plantingday26

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cu leftplanter daythree9

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sg 20160520 174829



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cu shadestructure group3

cu shadestructure group2

cu shadestructure group2

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cu rightplanter dayone21

00 img south wrigley final build project middle left

00 img south wrigley final build project middle left

Community Build Days

The extensive design workshops resulted in community projects that could be immediately constructed. The build days were led by community members, with student assistance to ensure that all members could get involved in different tasks.

In many cases, members had high levels of expertise with tools, materials, technique, and know-how that contributed to the success of the projects.

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cu plantingday2

cu finaldetails2

cu finaldetails2

cu hopskotch

cu hopskotch

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cu plantingday54

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cu beforeafter1

cu beforeafter2

cu beforeafter2

cu beforeafter3

cu beforeafter3

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sg img 9017

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sg p1013350

sg beforeafter1

sg beforeafter1

sg beforeafter1

sg beforeafter1

bell beforeafter

bell beforeafter

A New Community Space

By leading the build process, residents were physically and emotionally invested—increasing the long-term sustainability of each project.

05 img meet the people of jackson park left

05 img meet the people of jackson park left



05 img the project team presented final concept drawings and facilitated discussion

05 img the project team presented final concept drawings and facilitated discussion

bell planning

bell planning



Planning For the Future

Designs that were not feasible for immediate build were developed into long-term implementation projects. These were projects with larger scopes, longer timelines, and significant budgets. To ensure future implementation of long-term projects, neighbors developed associations, and sought partnerships with local non-profits.

communityparticipation section titles

communityparticipation section titles

 YEAR ONE (2016)

"Community Constructed: Participatory Design-Build in Lower Los Angeles River Communities"

•  Summary Report  (32 pages - 16 mb)

•  Full Report  (385 pages  -  146 mb)

Bell del Rio (City of Bell)
La Santana (City of Cudahy)
Thunderbird Villa (City of South Gate)

communityconstructed cover

communityconstructed cover

YEAR TWO (2017)

"Collective Efforts: Building Resilient Communities in the Lower Los Angeles River Corridor"

•  Summary Report  (32 pages - 23 mb)

•  Full Report  (371 pages  -  173 mb)

South Wrigley (City of Long Beach)
Jackson Park (City of Long Beach)

collectiveefforts cover

collectiveefforts cover

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