Infrastructure Corridors

Greenways From Leftover Spaces

Rail lines and electrical corridors run through many of our densest neighborhoods and take up a lot of space. Yet these spaces could also be used by people to relax, play, or soak up the sun. Communities are beginning to transform abandoned rail lines into popular trails and the spaces below electrical corridors into parks and community gardens, forming long swatches of accessible greenways along our rivers and throughout our communities.


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gwc 180918 visualization package sm page 51

gwc 180918 visualization package sm page 51

Large, underused belts of land (in the form of utility corridors) already run through many of the densest of our neighborhoods. What green uses do you hope to see in your community?


Infrastructure corridors have potential to provide connections with a larger network of multi-use trails and open spaces. What’s more, trails on infrastructure corridor remain relatively car-free.


The San Gabriel River Corridor Master Plan (2006) calls for opening selected portions of river-adjacent utility corridors. Not only do the public benefit from trails and open space, but utility companies benefit from reduced maintenance costs.



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greenscape title onthemap

The Infrastructure Corridors greenscape represents parcels with overhead public utility lines that are vacant or underutilized. It also includes parcels with railroad corridors that are either vacant or active but with additional right-of-way space for urban greening.

With thoughtful and community-based design, these corridors can be transformed into community gardens, local and regional greenways, pop-up programming, or linear parks that increase community green space. Scroll around and zoom into the map to see Infrastructure Corridors throughout the Gateway Cities region. You can also use the layers panel (top left) to toggle on and off all greenscape types. Where are the opportunities in your neighborhood? 



greenscape title examples

greenscape title examples

west san gabriel river trail 1

west san gabriel river trail 1

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west san gabriel river trail 2

West San Gabriel River Parkway Nature Trail, 2014


The West San Gabriel River Parkway Nature Trail in the City of Lakewood runs along a utility corridor on the San Gabriel River, directly adjacent to Monte Verde Park, and across the river from Rynerson Park. It features over a mile of paths, native and drought-tolerant trees, shrubs and wildflowers that provide habitats for birds and small mammals as well as a recreational nature experience for city dwellers. It also offers public access and linkages to the river.

"Our trail has flora and fauna that you would have seen in abundance in our region 100 years ago," said Mayor Wood on opening day, "but many have been pushed out by non-native species or loss of habitat in the years since. We've reintroduced them now on the trail and given residents the chance to see a little bit of what Lakewood and our region used to look like....and what we can still look like, when we take the time and effort to do so."


Have a successful example you'd like featured in this vision plan? Fill out this form and let us know! 

greenscape title resources

greenscape title resources

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