Trees are a low cost way of gaining many benefits in our cities and communities. The trees that make up our urban forest provide habitat, reduce stormwater runoff, filter polutants, sequester carbon, and beautiful our neighborhoods. Trees can reduce heat island in our urban environment by offering shade and evaporative cooling. The cooling and air cleaning effects of trees has a significant impact on air pollution. And trees can reduce stress! Even a view of trees through an apartment window can improve mental health.
“Cool” pavement refers to light-colored, reflective pavements that help lower surface temperatures and reduce the amount of heat absorbed into the pavement. Unlike traditional "hot" pavements—like asphalt and blacktop which absorb heat and release it later—cool pavements effectively cool the city air, reducing heat-related illnesses, slowing the formation of smog, and making it more comfortable to be outside. Pedestrians, city dwellers, park goers, and school children all benefit from cooler air and cooler pavements.
By some definitions, cool pavements can also include permeable pavements, which have cooling benefits from stormwater capture that impermeable pavements do not.
While heat often radiates off of urban roofs, and storm water rushes over their impermeable surfaces, green roofs can be a more sustainable alternative.
A green roof (or living roof) is a roof of a building that is at least partially covered with vegetation. Green roofs can improve and reduce energy consumption. In addition, green roofs decrease the total amount of storm water runoff and slow the rate of runoff from the roof. They can become peaceful retreats for people and can a create natural habitat for wildlife.
The term 'green roof' may also refer to a roof that uses some form of green technology, such as a cool roof (which, like cool pavement, reflects heat) or a roof with photovoltaic panels.
Urban greening non-profit organizations, like TreePeople, are planting thousands of street trees throughout Los Angeles County.
The California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco features a 2.5 acre green roof for scientific research that is open to the public.
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• Heat-Island Effect. US EPA.
• Reducing Urban Heat Islands: Compendium of Strategies. US EPA.
• Why It's Usually Hotter in a City (video). NPR.
• 25 Reasons to Love Urban Trees. California Releaf.
• Planning for Urban Trees. California Releaf.
• Urban Forestry. TreePeople (non-profit).
• Urban Forestry Programs. North East Trees (non-profit).
• Urban Tree Canopy Project. Amigos de los Rios (non-profit).
• Urban Forest Program. Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks.
• Urban and Community Forestry. CAL FIRE.
• Developing An Urban Forest Management Plan for the City of Los Angeles. City Plants / Dudek.
• Cool Pavement. Reducing Urban Heat Islands: Compendium of Strategies. U.S. EPA.
• Cool Streets LA. Los Angeles Cool Pavement Pilot.
• Cool Fixes for Hot Cities Part 2: Los Angeles. US EPA.
• Using Green Roofs to Reduce Heat Islands. US EPA.
• Los Angeles Urban Cooling Collaborative. Multi-organization partnership.
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